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Shalom Jacob זצ״ל
Life and Legacy


Dual Life

A successful partner at Locke Lord, LLP, a prominent law firm, Rav Shalom זצ״ל personified the dictum of Chazal—“Minimize your work and dedicate yourself to Torah.” Rav Shalom זצ״ל was a Talmid Chacham of significant note. He used the earnings from his successful law practice as a means of financing his study of Torah and the acquisition and publication of Sefarim. 


Rav Shalom זצ״ל was renowned as one of the foremost experts on Sifrei Rishonim and Achronim. His knowledge of Sefarim and Torah was shaped by his interactions with great Torah luminaries, such as Rav Tuvia Goldstein זצ״ל, Rav Chaim Yitzchok Poupko זצ״ל (a Ben Bayis of the Chafetz Chaim זצ״ל), Rav Yitzchak Koppelman זצ״ל of Lucerne, Rav Chaim Kaufman זצ״ל of Gateshead and Rav Shmuel Akiva Schlesinger שליט"א of Strasbourg.


Rav Shalom זצ״ל spent decades amassing a trove of Sefarim unparalleled in quantity and quality. Its more than 50,000 volumes, many rare, span the space and time of Jewish history. He had a deep knowledge of each Sefer, including details about their authors, content, and important historical facts and had the remarkable ability to easily find any Sefer in his extensive library. 


Rav Shalom זצ״ל was a devoted Talmid of Rav Tuvia Goldstein זצ״ל and Rav Chaim Yitzchok Poupko זצ״ל for decades and early on was a Talmid of Rav Hillel David שליט"א. For more than two decades up until his passing, Rav Shalom זצ״ל also faithfully attended Rav Yisroel Dovid Schlesinger's Shiurim. Rav Schlesinger depended on Rav Shalom זצ״ל to provide rare Sefarim for Shiurim he delivered. Whenever called upon for a Sefer, he acted with speed, devotion and enthusiasm. Above all else, Rav Shalom זצ״ל's Hasmada in Torah was his hallmark—during his illness when he was unable to write his Chidushim with his right hand, he learned to write with his left.


Rav Shalom זצ״ל tirelessly endeavored to revive the Torah of forgotten Rabbinic giants, resurrecting their teachings and legacies and bringing them and their communities back to life. He republished 25 such Sefarim, including publication of Sefarim from manuscripts, on topics ranging from the laws of Yayin Nesach to Mefarshim on the Haggadah, each enriched with his own extensive commentaries, annotations and comprehensive biographies of their authors.  


Rav Shalom זצ״ל consistently arose to daven Vasikin—daily, Shabbos, Yom Tov, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur—never missing a day, rain or shine, even when constrained to travel for business. Each Erev Shabbos and Erev Yom Tov, he would make calls to ensure a sufficient number of participants for the Minyan. Often, he would expend his own funds to accomplish this objective. 

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